Just like the Slaughter band's song, Hudson is up all night, sleep all day. Each night for the last few he has stayed awake longer and longer. Last night it was until around 4 am. He will act like he is starved so I will feed him, Craig feeds him, he should NOT be hungry. But he does fall asleep while being fed. But as soon as we try to lay him down so we can go to bed he will scream up a storm.
They say this is normal -- babies not knowing morning from evening. And it wouldn't be so bad if he didn't scream like he hadn't eaten for weeks. But he does. It's hard to handle! Today is new comic book day at our comic book store, so I tried to let Craig sleep while I dealt with Hudson. But by 2 am I was really exhausted and just didn't know what to do. I left Hudson lying in the Pack N Play, and of course he was crying. So was I. Craig got up and found me curled up on the couch crying. He did take up a shift and let me get a couple of hours of sleep. But eventually he had to go to bed, so he woke me up to continue baby duty.
Today I'm trying to keep him awake more during the day - although he is objecting to that too with more screaming. And we will give him a bath before bed. Hopefully these things will help him sleep a little tonight.
My sister said her baby did this kind of behavior until he was 11 weeks old. That's NUTS. I will be a zombie by then, especially since I have to go back to work after week 8, and I start my shift at 6 am.
Everyone says sleep when he does - but every time I move him to the bedroom he wakes up and starts his screaming again. This happened yesterday and again today. I'm quite sure his goal in life is to keep me up. That's why my water broke at 3 am.
I am going to buy the Harvy Karp Happiest Baby DVD. It's supposed to be GREAT - our labor/delivery teacher recommended it and the hospital where I had Hudson had it in their display case in the labor and delivery area. It can't hurt, right? Amazon.com - here I come.
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